
サブウーハーの大きさと数:大型SW vs 小型SW

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調べた内容は2014年のSound&Visionの「5人のサブウーハーエキスパートに聞く・・The Guts and the Glory: Extended Interviews with Five Subwoofer Experts」に記載されていることです。






1)Andrew Welker, R&D Manager, Axiom Audio(Axiomオーディオの開発マネージャー)

2)Dr. Poh Hsu, Founder, Hsu Research(Hsuリサーチの創業者、MIT卒)

3)Tom Vodhanel, President, Power Sound Audio(Power Sound オーディオ(PS Audioとは別)の社長)

4)Ed Mullen, Director of Technology and Customer Relations, SVS(SVS技術・カスタマー部門長)

5)Chris Hagen, Acoustic Systems Development Engineer, Velodyne(Velodyne音響システム開発エンジニア)





(Can a minisub—and by that I mean a small sub that gets deep extension and high output by using high-excursion drivers and high-powered amps—equal the performance of a conventional, larger sub?)


(Would you recommend S&V readers buy four smaller subs, two midsized subs or one large sub, if the price for the different packages were about the same?)



1)Andrew Welker


「They can work. A lot of them don’t work, in my experience. I would say where form factor is of greatest importance and maximum SPL at low frequencies isn’t, they’re a perfectly suitable alternative to a larger, more conventional design. I’ve worked on minisub designs in the past when I was with the API group, and they always sound a little bit strained. I don’t think there’s any measurement I can put my finger on to say what’s going on, but I’ve never heard one that has effortless reproduction of low frequencies, below say 40 Hz. They can do upper bass reasonably well, but in the low bass, they just sound strained.From a technical standpoint, you’re essentially trying to break laws of physics. You take a driver and squeeze it into very small box. There’s no way you can put in a port because of the noise. Nor would have you the room. You have to go sealed or passive radiator. In my experience, you have to try and get good quality bass and get as low an extension and sensitivity with the driver and cabinet you have. The natural alignment of a woofer in such a small box is going to be –13, –18, or maybe –20 dB down at 40 Hz. The only way to overcome that is to throw a pile of amplifier power at it. At 100 Hz, you’re putting in 50 watts. To get the same output at 20 or 30 Hz, you may need 10 times that. So when you’ve got the power, you have to overbuild the driver to take that abuse. You need a longer voice coil, which demands more motor strength, which means more magnet, and more space, and you just made the natural alignment even worse. And I think that because everything’s fighting, you don’t get the effortless quality you get from a good conventional sub.」

2)Dr. Poh Hsu


「In my opinion, size matters. With good engineering, one can get a minisub to work reasonably well, at the expense of reliability and cost. Most of those subs use a passive radiator, because if you used a port in such a small enclosure it would have to be about a half-inch in diameter and it would whistle like crazy. But a passive radiator in a small enclosure can cause problems, too. For a passive radiator to be tuned low in a small cabinet, you need a really heavy diaphragm and very high excursion, so you could have a reliability problem.」






【質問2(大型一台 VS 小型複数SW)への回答】

1)Andrew Welker


「I think the sweet spot is to buy two. That’s going to give you a pretty decent balance between output level and linearity. If all you’re concerned about is output and you think your room correction system can fix the problems—although it can’t—go for the single $1,500 sub. If it’s a smaller room or you don’t listen that loud, absolutely put in four subs. We did a study on this a few years ago and four subs will always give you the smoothest response. With two you get fairly decent output but it’ll be smoother than just one. People think when you put more subs in you get +3 or +6 dB more output. That might happen if you stacked them in a corner. But if they’re in different positions, where there might be a peak with one sub’s output it might be a dip with another sub, and they’ll cancel each other out. You may get a little more output and you’ll certainly get more headroom. But two subs doesn’t mean +6 dB more output compared to one.」


2) Dr. Poh Hsu


「Generally, I recommend going with one bigger sub. My main philosophy behind that is, the bigger sub is the one that will go lower. I know there are a lot of people who advocate using multiple subs for more even distribution of bass through the listening area. There’s some merit to that. But in most families, many people don’t like that much bass, so it’s good to have some seats with less bass than others! Like, “Honey, I don’t like all this bass.” “OK, go sit in this seat.” If you always sit in one seat to listen, I would optimize the bass for that one seat. Usually when you do multiple subwoofers, every seat is OK, but there’s no really great seat, and you’re trading off headroom.」



3)Tom Vodhanel


「I usually stick with one. First, customers need to realize that the potential benefits with multiple subs are just that: potential. The benefit is usually realized as more even coverage. Often to realize the full benefits of multiple subwoofers, especially with two, you have to experiment with placement, and they may not have room or their wife won’t allow it. A lot depends on room dimensions and where the sitting positions are. To get the full benefits of multiple subs they have to have flexibility in placement. Some people think with two subwoofers it’s going to be exponentially better, but that’s often not the case. “First, customers need to realize that the potential benefitswith multiple subs are just that: potential.”

There’s also the issue of upgradeability. Two of our XV15s would be about $1,500. A single XV30 would be $1,400. Both are tuned the same so the deep bass extension is the same. But if you start with one XV15 in each corner and you want to upgrade, you more or less need to start over and get two larger and more powerful subs. If you start with an XV30 you have a much easier upgrade path.

Another important factor is the customer’s EQing capabilities. If they have something their system that can EQ two subs separately, I may lean toward dual enclosures for them. The EQ will help mitigate placement limitations. Audyssey works well enough that they’re usually going to get maximum or close to maximum benefit from dual subs. A lot is just talking with customers and getting a feeling for their expectations. We have customers say, “How come these big dual subs don’t have as much bass as my car?」


4)Ed Mullen


「 It’s very common for customers to have room for only one subwoofer. If that’s the case, then we try to size the single subwoofer to the playback level and performance requirements for that application. We’re big proponents of dual subs. If you don’t have a spot where a single sub sounds good, then using two subs can really smooth the frequency response in the room and make the subs harder to localize. Dual discrete stereo subs are also great in two-channel rigs.A sub in all four corners certainly maximizes modal density and is the ultimate solution, but it’s often a non-starter even in dedicated theaters. Overall playback level is a factor, too. In addition to increasing modal density, multiple subs also add overall headroom. So we ask customers to tell us what they’re using the system for: music, gaming, movies, casual background use? How much slam and impact do they want on action movies or gaming? We’ll get the hardcore movie fans who want to reproduce THX/IMAX levels in a large home theater, and we’ll steer them into highest-output solutions we offer, like multiple ported subs. On the other hand, many customers want great sound quality and smooth bass in all the seats, but aren’t looking to tear down the walls, so we might steer them into a pair of smaller sealed subs.」


5)Chris Hagen


「It would depend on the size of the room. Typically one big sub will go deeper, but I like multiple smaller ones because you can load the room better. We’ve found that using two in the corners drives all the modes and the response can get choppy. We’ve found that putting one sub along the center of the wall and one in the corner does more to smooth out the room modes. We tend to lean toward multiples. But a single 12-inch optimal sub with a cast frame and 3-inch voice coil is better than four small subs, because those small ones will probably have stamped frames and not much excursion.」



ハイパワーアンプを使ったミニサブは、従来の大型SWに匹敵し得るかに対しては、意見は否定的でした。大きなトレードオフがあるということのようです。物理に逆らっているのがその理由であるとも書かれていました。複数サブウーハーに関しては意見が分かれるところかもしれません。SW各社の代表ですから、社の販売方針もあるでしょうし、どう読み解くかは、皆様にお任せします。良いイコライザー(Dirac Liveのような補正ソフト)は複数化の後押しをしているようです。

コメント ※編集/削除は管理者のみ

  1. Tomyさま

     低音ネタ 大好き アコスです。 (^^)/

    自分は変則的ですが フロントの左右に2台で使っています。  いずれは専用のSWを据え付ける予定ですが… それがいつ頃出来るかは未定です (-.-)

     AVアンプに2系統の出力が設けられて 0.1chはモノラル1chですが 他のスピーカーを補っていれば 左右の価値がありますね。   また左右設置は シンメトリー配置からしても 理に適っています。  見た目からの引っ張られ感は無視出来ませんしね…。  補うと言う意味では 後方への設置も 定位を分ける意味でも良いと思います。  最新機種は4台の接続が出来るとか?  より理想に近づく事にはなりますが… 「何処に置く?」問題が出てきそうですね (笑)  スピーカーだらけになっちゃいますから…。

     国内のSW市場は昔に比べると小さくなって仕舞いましたね。 メーカーが消えつつある現状ですから仕方がないとは思います…。   立派な音源が手に入る今だからこそ 充実した環境を得たいのですが… 

    youtubeで見る 海外事情が好きです。   スリムなフロントスピーカーの横には 15~18インチクラスの それもWウーファー仕様が でデェ~んと(笑)  そんなに低音が欲しいのかよ!? って感じですね。 

     宅事情で 奥行きがデカくあるモデルは置けないのと アクティブタイプは相性が悪いみたいと自覚してるので(笑) より選択肢は狭くなるのですが…。 サラウンド系は それが最後の目標です。 

  2. アコスの住人さん、今日は。


  3. Tomyさん、







    • K&Kさん、こんにちは




